Settle Bench

Some photos of joinery making and assembly of a commissioned Settle Bench I'm making. 


Nice wide E.W. Pine from Moore Sawmill, Bloomfield, CT


Flattening cut boards with various Jack planes
The following pics show Dado construction

Making Grooves, Beads and Dadoes

Test fitting various sections as I go

Front facing view fitting the side to the bottom. Full tongue on bottom boards to fit into the front and back will help insure rigidity

Creating mortises and shoulders for seat hinge support
Some pictures of initial glue-up, with Walnut wedges and hide glue.

Front and back panels on

Center and edge supports in. The edge supports are fastened with traditional cut nails to allow for cross grain end panel movement. I am also working on the armrest template (held on with tape)
Making the armrests

Easing the armrest where it meets the back

Initial coat of  oil varnish applied. The slightly harsh yellow cast will recede in a few months on the Pine, like the cabinet in the center of the photo on the wall, it will turn to a dark tan over time. You can also see the unfinished shelf to the right of the photo.

Corresponding shelf with horse shoe hangers provided by customer
